
In the definition of bullying, an important aspect is the person or group who is experiencing the bullying behaviour feels helpless to respond.  As parents we can encourage our children to learn skills that will build their capacity to feel less helpless.  The skills we...

Despite the apparent acceptance and increasing number of role models for young people who are LGBTIQ+, same sex attracted, and gender questioning (SSAGQ) young people are still experiencing homophobia and bullying. ...

Who do you tell when you are experiencing bullying? It can be difficult to know what to do.  If I tell am I “a dobber”? Will telling the teacher make it worse?  Will the other students who are bullying me become sneakier and more covert and just make my...

The 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS) Youth Report identified themes that predict whether young people (aged 16 – 24 years) hold attitudes supportive of violence against women. These include, denying gender inequality is a problem; promoting rigid gender roles,...

We all want healthy relationships that bring out the best in both ourselves and our partners.  Yet, sometimes the relationships aren’t what we expected.  We begin to see traits of our partner we are uncomfortable with. It is important you trust your intuition! If you...

The other week I was watching the last few moments of the Drum when one of the guests used a phrase that has kept reverberating in me. The phrase was made in the context of the entrenched disadvantage and the widening of the gap...

One of the grave concerns emerging from COVID-19 is the increase in Family & Domestic Violence, (FDV). When we think of FDV, we think partner perpetrated violence against the other partner or children. Yet, there is another form of Family Violence that is under-reported...

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