What is drink spiking?
Drink spiking is when a person deliberately adds alcohol or another drug to someone else’s drink without them knowing. It can include putting alcohol into a non-alcohol drink, adding extra alcohol to a drink, or adding prescription or illegal drugs into an alcoholic or non- alcoholic drink.
Do you know what is the most common drug used to spike drinks?
Alcohol. The use of other drugs is relatively rare [1] compared to alcohol.
Why do people spike drinks?
Some people spike the drinks of their friends as a prank or some other non-criminal motive. However, there are people who will spike drinks to commit sexual assault, or theft. Spiking someone’s drink is illegal – even if it is a prank.
What are the warning signs I need to look for?
You might not be able to tell if your drink has been spiked, so be aware of the following
warning signs:
- Feeling dizzy or faint.
- Feeling ill or sleepy.
- Feeling drunk even if you have only had a little bit of alcohol to drink.
- Passing out.
- Waking up feeling uncomfortable and confused, with memory blanks about the night before.