What age can I Get married?

You can get married once you are 18 years of age.


If you are between the age of 16 and 18, you can only get married by obtaining permission from the Court.


A Court will allow you to marry only if your circumstances are considered ‘exceptional and unusual’. Pregnancy is not a sufficient reason for the Court to grant an Order for marriage.


A Court will only grant an Order to enable someone between the age of 16 and 18 to get married if the other party is over 18.

More information

Department of Justice, Births, Deaths and Marriages: https://www.bdm.justice.wa.gov.au/G/getting_married.aspx


Please note: Laws are subject to change. Last updated July 2020.

Important: The information provided in this infosheet is for information only. 

It should not be relied on as legal advice. 

Please seek legal advice about your particular circumstances.

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