Love your Car? Don’t Take the Risk
Certainly, inexperience is a factor in the higher rate of injuries and deaths among young people. However, other factors also need to be considered....
Certainly, inexperience is a factor in the higher rate of injuries and deaths among young people. However, other factors also need to be considered....
What is hooning? Hooning (not a legal term) covers things like Speeding, Drag racing, Doughnuts, Burnouts, Burning rubber, and Driving in a reckless way....
Introduction: Young Writers SpaceIt is great to introduce Haydn to readers. Haydn is a young person, who is an aspiring writer, and we are privileged to have him writing and sharing some of his experiences for other young people.Haydn has studied commerce at UWA, majoring in...
If you are in a public place or on a vehicle used for public transport like a bus or train and police reasonably suspect you are or are about to commit an act that is against the law or breaches the peace, they can order...
Many of the requests coming through YLS are from young men who need legal assistance or advice on situations where alcohol has been a contributing factor in what has occurred. While young people are generally delaying the age at which they start drinking, alcohol continues to...
Secondary Supply laws have been operating in Western Australia since 2015. Under this law it is an offence for anyone to supply under 18s with alcohol in a private setting without parental or guardian permission. This offence carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 which is...
You might have had a run-in with police before, and maybe didn’t even know what you were doing was breaking a law, so here is a brief rundown of some of your rights and responsibilities with interacting with the police so you do stay on...