Author: Youth Legal Service

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Many of the requests coming through YLS are from young men who need legal assistance or advice on situations where alcohol has been a contributing factor in what has occurred. While young people are generally delaying the age at which they start drinking, alcohol continues to...

Secondary Supply laws have been operating in Western Australia since 2015.  Under this law it is an offence for anyone to supply under 18s with alcohol in a private setting without parental or guardian permission. This offence carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 which is...

Over the summer period, I have been reading Louise Milligan’s book “Witness – an investigation into the brutal cost of seeking justice.”  I thought I would have easily finished it by the middle of January, I am only halfway through.  It is an uncomfortable read.  The...

Summer! Hot days, watching cricket, beaches, BBQ’s, relaxing and spending time with friends and mates, listening to music, partying, particularly over Christmas and New Year. We all have things we enjoy doing over the Christmas period and summer months and often, alcohol and/or...

You might have had a run-in with police before, and maybe didn’t even know what you were doing was breaking a law, so here is a brief rundown of some of your rights and responsibilities with interacting with the police so you do stay on...

November is Pride month. It is a time for celebrating the diversity within the LGBTIQ+ community and to honour the history of the LGBTIQ+ community in WA. ...

World Mental Health Day was on the 10thOctober.  It was a day to reflect and do something for our mental health, particularly given the impact of COVID-19.  The normal stresses of life have been amplified by the uncertainty created by COVID-19 and the impact on...

In the definition of bullying, an important aspect is the person or group who is experiencing the bullying behaviour feels helpless to respond.  As parents we can encourage our children to learn skills that will build their capacity to feel less helpless.  The skills we...

Despite the apparent acceptance and increasing number of role models for young people who are LGBTIQ+, same sex attracted, and gender questioning (SSAGQ) young people are still experiencing homophobia and bullying. ...

Who do you tell when you are experiencing bullying? It can be difficult to know what to do.  If I tell am I “a dobber”? Will telling the teacher make it worse?  Will the other students who are bullying me become sneakier and more covert and just make my...

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